Innovation in ELT
Brookemead Associates Ltd
Educational Publishers
London, UK - San Francisco, USA

Downloads : Smart English A2

This section contains documents which you may wish to download and print. If you do not find what you are looking for please contact us.

SMART English A2 Audio Units 1-12
SMART English A2 Audio Units 1-12
[3 folders]

SMART English A2 Presentations
SMART English A2 Presentations
[1 folder]
[3 files]

SMART English A2 Syllabus & Samples
SMART English A2 Syllabus & Samples
[5 files]

SMART English A2 TG Notes & Answers & Revision
SMART English A2 TG Notes & Answers & Revision
[12 files]

SMART English A2 Video Worksheets
SMART English A2 Video Worksheets
[19 files]

PDF Files

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Review of
Smart English

EL Gazette - The Newspaper for English Language and International Education

Smart English is a new course for general English. It has several interesting features. First, the CLIL strand is superb, covering areas such as genetics, ecotourism, phobias and gravity. Second, an accompanying DVD takes students on an interesting journey around the world. Third, the book includes three (four) slightly longer texts to encourage extensive reading. I like the foldable cardboard flaps, which form part of the cover; they present 'language banks' of useful phrases. Topics such as circuses and street art should appeal to the target audience of young adults. The twelve units are well designed; includes some lovely illustrations. Worth investigation.

Pete Sharma, EL Gazette, November 2012