Innovation in ELT
Brookemead Associates Ltd
Educational Publishers
London, UK - San Francisco, USA


This section contains documents which you may wish to download and print. If you do not find what you are looking for please contact us.

Brookemead-ELT Presentations Brochures
Brookemead-ELT Presentations Brochures
[10 files]

[3 files]

QSE Advanced B2-C1
QSE Advanced B2-C1
[5 folders]

QSE Intermediate B1-B2
QSE Intermediate B1-B2
[5 folders]

QSE Lesson Guidelines
QSE Lesson Guidelines
[3 folders]

QSE Pre-Intermediate A2-B1
QSE Pre-Intermediate A2-B1
[7 folders]

QSE Samples
QSE Samples
[3 folders]

SMART English A2 Video Worksheets
SMART English A2 Video Worksheets
[1 file]

Smart English A2
Smart English A2
[5 folders]

Trinity GESE Cross Reference Charts
Trinity GESE Cross Reference Charts
[7 files]

Trinity Revised ISE Activities
Trinity Revised ISE Activities
[10 files]

Trinity Revised ISE & QSE
Trinity Revised ISE & QSE
[5 files]

PDF Files

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Trinity College London

Smart English and QSE B1, B2 and C1 now carry to Trinity College London logo to show that the materials are approved as suitable preparation for the Trinity GESE and ISE Exams. Brookemead ELT courses are listed on the Trinity website:


The Brookemead ELT 2019 catalogue is now available. Discover two ways to use the Smart Englishand QSE Series.